Friday, September 30, 2005

DJ Radar’s Concerto for Turntable

I’ve talked up Z-Trip quite a bit on this site, but now I’m shifting gears (pun intended) for a post on his former Bombshelter DJs mate Radar.

If you live in the New York area, Radar is providing a special treat on Sunday. He’s performing his Concerto for Turntable, a three-movement concerto that features the turntable as the centerpiece instrument alongside sixty collegiate classical musicians. Oh, did I mention the performance is taking place at Carnegie Hall? Buy your tickets here.

Radar is like a mad scientist on the turntable. He developed a system called “scratch notation,” which, according to the concerto site, documents all of the scratching techniques that can be performed on a turntable and translates them into Western musical notation.

Watching Radar live is pretty amazing. He was the turntable technician of the Bombshelter crew. Having seen the Bombshelter boys on a regular basis back in the day, I dare say his scratching is unmatched by any of his peers. His dexterity is absurd, and his fingers move with wild precision.

I wouldn’t pass the chance to see this event.

DJ Radar | Radar Frees Tibet (Gasho mix)
DJ Radar presents Four Hand Stroke | Antimatter

1 comment:

  1. 2019.09.04酒店工作咪董的台北市酒店兼差余進福,在今年七月癌症病逝享年56歲,今天(3號)家屬在一殯舉辦告別式。由於他過去為人海派人脈廣,至少七八百人致意。過去,余進福從中山區酒店起家,外傳鼎盛時期旗下至少有酒店兼職千名酒店小姐,外界還稱他酒店帝王。一殯外頭上百人,秩序整齊進入公祭會場默哀致意,一批過後再來一批,甚至出動六台賓士車,滿滿的花籃擺滿會場,眼前這個排場,就是要來追悼酒店經紀綽號咪董的北市酒店大亨。東森新聞記者張炤和:「綽號咪董的北市酒店大亨余進福,今年7月因為癌症病逝,由於他在生前人脈相當廣,並且廣結善緣,因此在告別式中至少有將近7、8百人為他送行。」咪董生前人脈廣,卻在7月22號因為癌症逝世,享年56歲,由於黑白兩道都熟識,3號公祭現場就在第一殯儀館的景行廳舉行,從議員、地方人士,甚至經紀公司的代表都一一羅列出席致意。據了解,咪董本名余進福,從北投發跡,過去出身北聯幫,之後插旗中山區酒店生意,生意頭腦很好的他開始拓展版圖,帶入禮服店文化,鼎盛時期,旗下有近千名酒店小姐,外界號稱酒店帝王,不僅如此,還成立經紀公司,培養成模特兒,拓展事業版圖,結交各路朋友下,事業越做越大,最後卻因為身體狀況去世,但好人緣,公祭當天,咪董的好友議員林瑞圖也現身會場。他是一個非常海派,又講義氣的人,慈善的活動他都會去捐助,做捐錢捐什麼東西,他都不為人知,他就是這樣子,(生前)跟我見面,問我二階幹細胞醫療癌症醫療法。這次,昔日的酒店大亨不敵病魔逝世,台北酒店地盤勢力勢必重新洗牌。
